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Refund Policy

We will try our best to select great durians for you.


We guarantee that all our durians are ripe. However we do not guarantee the taste as they

are very subjective. Some durians may taste more bitter and some more sweet. This is due to the age of the trees as well as the terrain.


  • For kampung and kampung special, there will be no refund

  • For MSK, BT, D24, Tekka and other special varieties we will refund the portion of the fruit that is not eatable.

  • Please take a clear picture of that portion and send to us. We will discount it appropriately. Ex...1 out of 5 pulp not eatable we will refund 20% of the price of the fruit.

  • Defect of pulp is limited to black pulp / eaten by worm. If it is a matter of tasting bitter / sweet then there will be no refund as taste is subjective. Sometimes weather can affect the taste.

  • The current quality of pulps are about 60% are soft and creamy, about 35% are a bit hard and about 5% have black pulp. Weather can play a role in affecting pulps. There will be no refunds except for black pulp and totally hard and cannot be eaten pulps. If you want total satisfaction we advice you to take the Unlimited Package which currently costs RM 250. In that package we will give you all the perfect soft and creamy ones while discarding the rest.

  • Do keep in mind that early fruits and end of season fruits are more prone to defects. When you order a package with us we will tell you in advance the condition. Early fruits and end season fruits are more expensive as the supply is low. So our profit margin is extremely small yet we bear the risk of pulps that are defect as we try to serve you with a great farm eating experience. Your patience and understanding is highly appreciated.

  • There will be a 10% discount on your next order with a maximum cap of RM 50.

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