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About Me

Hi my name is Stephen Loke and I am a local Bentong boy. I have lived in Bentong for all my life except when I went out for further studies. I run 2 farms. A 6 acre durian farm that provide a fun and memorable eat durians at a durian farm experience and a 9 acre durian and banana farm which is just 5 min away from my 6 acre farm.


In September 2023, my wife and I went to Leaders Advance 2023 organized by KingdomCity and there we heard a message by Pastor Samuel Rodriguez about "don't settle for trees". Although it refers to the spiritual side, it spoke to me a lot. Since I deal with durian trees and other fruit trees, how can I not settle for trees?


Prior to that, I have been thinking about bringing people to eat durian at farm and also expanding the farm to other business. But after Leaders Advance 2023 it became clear to me that I should not settle for trees. Now I want to bring people to enjoy durians at a farm where I can also connect with them.


So now I provide a once in a lifetime experience to people all over Malaysia who want to experience what it feels to walk, breathe and eat durians at a "real" Bentong durian farm.


When you come to my farm you will:

  • experience what it feels to travel in and out of a real durian farm

  • eat musang king and a variety of durians while looking at real durian trees

  • have fun with family and friends eating durians at a real durian farm

  • take pictures of durian trees with durian fruits hanging on the tree and share it on social media

  • learn how to grow durians, the challenges of a real durian farmer, how much it costs to manage a durian farm and how to really run a durian farm

  • tour the durian farm, look at mangosteen trees, duku trees, langsat trees, longkong trees. If they are in seasons, you can eat them too.

  • let your children learn and experience farm life in Malaysia




Come and enjoy, learn and relax with family and friends at our durian farm. My wife Grace and me look forward to welcoming you and your family and friends!

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